Collage show

The Art of Collage is 100

The term collage derives from the French “colle” meaning ” glue”. This term was coined by both Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso in the beginning of the 20th century when collage became a distinctive part of modern art, according to Wikipedia.

Collage is an artistic composition made of various materials glued on a surface. The importance of collage was to push the limits of what could be called art. At that time if it wasn’t oil on canvas, or a sculpture of stone or bronze, it wasn’t art. Picasso and Braque were not content with the status quo. Collage yanked the stranglehold from the neck of “fine art”. Images and text from newspapers or magazines were layered in with paint to make comment of the news of the day.

Artist in Residence of Fines Creek, Susan Livengood, has combined cast- off computer parts, letters from scrapbooking, monofilament line, paint and other materials. The show exams what happens when humanity and nature intersect.

Celebrate the anniversary of collage with some glue and your imagination.Bioengineered

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