CO2 painting

I plan to stay very busy in my studio to avoid the coronavirus.  The idea of naming this CO2 came out of the blue, or not blue if smog is high.  But it was a vapid little painting.  Some bold additions have helped.


Climate Concern series- Melting

This series is exploring Yupo, a polypropelyne paper, that loves water.    Since we’ve had double normal rainfall so far this year, it’s fitting to explore very wet paint, and monoprints.  This is an off axis print, with more paint and pastels.

Another one of the prints

Yupo seems good for monoprints.  I did this series on problems from climate change.  This one is called Consequences.

of climate change

Monoprints on Climate Change

Yupo is fun to work with.  I made three prints off the original, and then painted back into them.

Climate Change- Blight

  Two pcs. are translucent and two are white.  I love the translucent ones held up to the light, but haven’t quite figured how to do that display.  Anyway, the first received my wrath,  I really laid into it, since I can’t affect who is annoying me.  There was so much paint that it was oozy.  Ever the miser, I tried my first monoprint, tho I guess technically they are tri_prints.


Our front yard has slid, been repaired, and is sliding again.  And of course it’s raining!  This canvas is about not having control.  There are bits of charcoal embedded in the paint. 


Storm’s Coming

I started this last summer.  I used silver Sharpie to highlight storm clouds,  but it bothered me.   I added more paint.

Storm’s Coming