Eye Wonder continues

Before I went into the  hospital, I had experimented with dripping words.  Because of those starts, I had something to work on today, instead of trying to start flat footed.  I think this may work into a handmade greeting card.  Save the date, Sun. Sept. 22 for my art sale!  Any proceeds will go to pay my medical bills.  Thanks!8-22-13

More of the Eye Wonder Series

The series continues.  The dripped underpainting gives me a wealth of ideas on what each of these gals is wondering about.

Naughty, Bold
Naughty, Bold
Where are you going
Where are you going

The week that was.

Last Wed. I ended up in the Emergency Room.  After 3 1/2 days in the hospital, I missed the Fines Creek Bluegrass Jam, and I have to raise money to pay my deductible and other expenses.  Thank goodness Gregg’s insurance covers most of my costs.  I will be hosting an open house/ Christmas sale on Sunday, Sept. 22 from 1-5pm at my studio at 190 Fines Creek Rd.  I have notecards, and prints, as well as originals of all sizes.  I also welcome any appointments!  My prognosis is good, an autoimmune reaction to a virus which can be treated with steroids.What-the-hell-happened

More Eye Wonder

I visited Cathey at Art on Depot in Waynesville, NC today.  She said people were noticing my new work.  I think this series is

Who needs a map?
Who needs a map?

fascinating, I never know who will show up.


The Eye Wonder Series is …so much fun.  Shh, don’t tell anyone.  Gregg and I are trying to make a video about my process.  It’s not too complicated, dripped/streamed enamel paint, and emphasis with Sharpie, collage, pastel, or whatever is handy.  I usually do 8 to 10 drip paintings, then go from there.  The decisions make the difference, and there are no wrong ones.  A couple of ugly ones, maybe, but we can’t all be gorgeous!

Red Hot
Red Hot

Women’s place in the world

Forget the Middle East, the rights of women in the USA are disappearing at a heck of a rate.   Larry Summers, who thinks that women cannot be educated in math, is set to take over the Federal Reserve.  This series, Eye Wonder, is about the strictures put upon women.

Good Artists Broke
Good Artists Broke


The Eye Wonder series continues.  This one has great words, provoke and boundaries, but they were chosen for their color, not their meaning.  We are working on a poster and a video to show the process and some of the decision trees.  These are a lot like life,  you have to deal with what you are given.

Provoke Boundaries
Provoke Boundaries

Black and White

The Eye Wonder series is about serendipity, a nice word for the weird stuff that happens to us.  Most of my work is an explosion of color, but this white enamel on white paper was an interesting surprise.  A black Sharpie pen was used to outline the white enamel.  The letters and words are random, mostly.

Thanks to the Hammett clan for including me in their picnic last night.  We were done before the thunderstorm hit.  It was a doozy!

Woman's Black and White Glasses
Woman's Black and White Glasses
detail of Woman's Black and White Glasses
detail of Woman's Black and White Glasses


This is a detail of “So” from the Eye Wonder series.  This was a very different approach, with the collage in the glasses being the first stage.  The enamel drips came later, and Sharpie pen for the final.  These female figures tap into some of my worries and insecurities.
