I worked on unique greeting cards through the winter. You can send it to a loved one, or mat and frame it for yourself! A selection is at Art on Depot in Waynesville.
Latex paints
Much of this painting was done with house paint samples. They are creamy and fun to work with.
Black corrugated plastic board
I’m thinking about updating my website. 2013 was not a productive year. Hopefully it was a transitional year.
Recyled plastic sign board
Year’s end
This has been an…interesting year. So instead of thinking of things that I believed were wrong, I’ll just set them down to be “features”. I haven’t posted due to holidays and illness. This is an updated WP, and I have to figure it out.
In progress
Thanks, Forrest.
Numbers signifying what?
This illness has had me watching numbers (platelets) for three months. I’m over it! This eye will be ringed by bruise colored numbers.
I like these women!
They don’t look important enough to add to a grant application, but I find them coming along when I need them. Today,s new discovery was wiping acrylic over the enamel drips. Previous faces were tinted with pastels.