
It’s been raining since 10 am.  These little branches (official designation) have become certified creeks.Floods

Keep it Alive.

Support the Library!  Tell the legislators why you use the library.  Are you looking for work, filing important paperwork, getting a DVD, downloading music and books, or just checking out a book.  On May 28, at 7pm, meet the head of the library, and some of the county commissioners.  As they chop the budget, we must be heard.  Meeting in the Fines Creek Gym.  Think of your neighbors and the children in this community, and the blessing that the library is to education and entertainment.

5-9-13This was the steering committee meeting on May 9.

Stressed people

These start as drawings, using drips of enamel.  I have added detail, so you might see a person.   These are an interesting combination of drawing with not much control, and then carefully highlighting.  Most are women, but it’s probably hard to tell.  Stress affects everyone.

Halloween horror

We got between 12″ and 14″ of snow, from the storm that hit W.Va.  But the town nearest us, just got a dusting.  A neighbor at a higher elev. got 22″.  Our tractor won’t move, even with chains on.  Thank goodness the sun came out.  Tomorrow Gregg has to go to work, even if he has to walk the 1/2 mile to the road.  He walked up Mon. night at midnight.  I’m not complaining, but life in 10-31-1210-31-12athe 47% is hard.

Modern Muses

I finished writing a grant to do more work on the Modern Muses.  Asking someone for money to make an art piece makes me get very focused.  What is a muse?  Do they have less power now, as most women do?  What are their working conditions and job descriptions?  It came to me that the modern Calliope, would be the muse of communication.  And what better emblem than an antenna.  This is a maquette, (mock up) of an idea.  10-23-12

Quilt Trail Installation

Saturday was scary and exciting.  This quilt square, painted board, was installed on the gym wall where my studio is.  It represents the Dead Man in theCreek, or how Fines Creek got it’s name.  Gregg is supervising Bill Shalosky and Rodney Durbin installing.  Thanks to Ricky Jones for the incredible finesse of lifting the very heavy square up to  19 ft.!  We are three miles from I-40, off the Fines Creek exit, #15.   Come by and see it!  Check out our quilt trail at www.haywoodarts.org.dead-man-install-1

Quilt Square

The Dead Man in the Creek quilt square was delivered by Kay Miller on Fri. July 15.   This is the second work of public art in Fines Creek.  The first is the War Memorial.  All communities benefit from public art.delivery-of-qs-7-15-12

Three years in this studio

Charlotte recommended that to be a serious artist, I needed a serious studio space.  This is an old classroom, 20’x30′ with hardwood floors and four windows that are eight feet high.  In the winter, my Tai Chi class meet in my studio.  The advice was incredible!  Here’s my left leg, and class.tai-chi-1

Terrified woman

A Gorgon is a terrifying woman.  This one earns seventy seven cents on a dollar that a male makes.  The gas pump does not ask if you are male or female.  The grocery doesn’t either.

WordPress hates people on dial up.  You won’t see the pic, thanks to them.  PLUUUGH!   The phone company hates people that don’t live in cities.  Everybody hates me, nobody likes me,  worms, worms, worms.