Thoughts in Neon Green Dye

I go to a Meditation class at the Senior Resource Center. They always have boxes of stuff to give away. Usually it’s zucchini, or out of date potato chips. The time they had 5 bottles of Neon Green Dye, no one took them for weeks. I am invested in reusing and re-purposing, rather than throwing things away (where is away?) I have used this dye in nine experimental pieces, so far. The Senior Center is displaying four of the paintings.



Noise is Not Information

Noise is Not Information – Acrylic on canvas 45” x 45” 2021

All the racket from media, phones and everything does not help. Not to be too philosophical, but I’m looking for peace.


Mothering – Acrylic on canvas 16” x 20” 2022

I suffer from being impatient, but sometimes I get a second chance. I began this canvas before and put it away. I came across it again in early 2022. This time a few tweaks, and I had it. It expresses my mess as a mother.

horse m s – Study

horse m s – Study – Acrylic on Canvas 16″ X 20″ – 2022

The title is deliberately lower case. It stands for “the horse might sing.” A prisoner had a year to teach her captors horse to sing, before she was executed. My take is to keep working, have hope, because a lot can happen in a year.

Dbd – Y

Dbd – Y – Acrylic on canvas 16″ x 20″ – 2022

One of the Don’t Be Disappointed series at the beginning of 2022. Yellow isn’t a color I use much, so it was a step in a new direction.

Dbd – Blue Arc


Dbd – Blue Arc – Acrylic on canvas 20 x 16 2022

One of the Don’t Be Disappointed series at the beginning of 2022. We were trying to sell some property and several offers fell through. This series is about hope, and incorporates the boxes in an arc from Poly Means Many. Since there isn’t a simple symbol for hope I had few boundaries.

Don’t Be Disappointed

Don’t Be Disappointed – Acrylic on canvas 2022

As more billionaires are announced each day, I am struggling. We were trying to sell a piece of property, and I was frustrated as several bids fell through. The arc with boxes in it is from Poly Means Many.

New Perspective

New Perspective Acrylic on Canvas 54″ x 41″ 2022

In 2021 Gregg and I started collaborating more closely on a sculpture that became Poly Means Many. Since working in 3-D isn’t my usual medium, I also turned to paint, like a security blanket. The elements I tried to capture in this painting were steel arcs and a stacked glass shaft through a center. After a lot of struggle , I decided to forget about representing a sculpture, and worked on it as a painting. The whole time we were working on Poly Means Many as well, which then influenced the painting. A year and a half later, I’m done. What I have found is that some paintings need a long time to simmer, before you taste them. Declare it’s soup, or add a touch of spice and move on.


Maw – Acrylic on canvas – 45″ x 45″ 2021

Large animals with gaping mouths seem scary. But what if it was just a yawn? Are my circumstances frightening, of boring?

Glass Stairway

The stairway is paused.  It has narrowed to fit through the uprights.  It is removable, but the next layers will lock it in place. At  Meditation the other day, we discussed whirl.  I am thinking of turning the last steps, to break up the linearity.  The UV glue is incredibly strong, and thanks to Donna for the new lamp to cure it more quickly.  Gregg had to do some jiggery- pokery to get each new step to clamp to the previous one while it was curing.  Some nice dry weather has us doing some maintenance and repairs.  Poly; means many is “simmering.”
