
  Poly-means many is the project that I am pursuing, even though I did not receive the grant.  Gregg is lending some technical help, and as always is a sounding board, but he’s insisting that I learn to swim (make a sculpture) on my own.

I have been gathering thoughts and ideas since Sept. 2021, when my son Forrest visited.  He pointed out the parallel curves in my recent paintings.  That gave me the handle to write the grant narrative.  The steel framework was  left over from a first go that Gregg had at Amaranth.  I spied it in the welding yard, and we worked together to add a steel  base.   Now she sits on a rolling dolly in my studio, calling to me as a siren.

steel framework

Oops! No posts for four months?

When I make my New Years resolutions, I will try to do better on keeping up with my work in progress.  Here are a few pieces that I have finished in 2021.

steel frame for sculpture
Poly-means many
Noise is not Information
acrylic painting
New Perspective
large acrylic painting

I was hacked

Rotten bleeping scoundrels!  I didn’t quit working, but I couldn’t post.   We’ve updated my website today with recently finished work.  I’m adding three pictures of work in progress. 

Goodby 2020, Glad to see you go.

Despite everything that happened in 2020, I got to do a lot of painting.  I have a heater, but when I walk in, the studio can be in the 40’s.  So I dress in layers, and get to work while it warms up a bit. 

 Hope to see you this time next year.

Recycle, repurpose

Gregg’s woodshop studio is in the classroom next to mine, in a 90 year old school gymnasium.  The floors are hardwood, but not flat.  He bought these preused solid core doors and is making a large flat worktable.  He’s been slow to customize his shop.  He’s spent most of his life working on gravel.

Artists shelter in place

We are using this time to repaint our living room.  We are putting light color over dark.  We will be moving the  sculpture by Dave Munson next to get around the corner.

More painting


Bad advice

If You Just

Well wishers have lots of advice about my chronic illness.  “If You Just…”  Duh!  Don’t you think I’ve tried all of those things?  Chronic may mean that it never goes away.  So I deal with my fears and frustrations in this painting.

Jungle Folly

We redid the floor in our bathroom.  The garden tub was never used, so I’m making it into a Jungle Folly.  Lots of LED lights.  If this winter is as dark and wet as summer and spring, we’re going to need a little jungle time.

indoor garden
banish the gloom

For the real American heroes

Memorial Day isn’t theoretical or hypothetical.  It is about the real people who have served this country with honor.  My father served in WWll and was wounded.  There are so many more that are in my small sphere.  The flags on the lawn are real.  The painting, called Trumped Up Flag, is my disgust with the ……leader.

Trumped up Flag