Woman Aghast

The title may be a bit much, but I couldn’t think of another word.  I hope this painting expresses my confusion and frustration.

Woman Aghast


I realized that I am painting from words now. I used to use photos.


I am not in favor of adding cruelty to hardship, like the present administration.  A plan would be nice.  This woman and many like her are fleeing horrible conditions, whether political or environmental.


Climate Concern series- Melting

This series is exploring Yupo, a polypropelyne paper, that loves water.    Since we’ve had double normal rainfall so far this year, it’s fitting to explore very wet paint, and monoprints.  This is an off axis print, with more paint and pastels.

Another one of the prints

Yupo seems good for monoprints.  I did this series on problems from climate change.  This one is called Consequences.

of climate change

Still separated

So many distractions, but there are still over 1000 immigrant children separated from their parents.  The consequences will be awful.


Ominous Enough?

Storm’s Coming,  has more paint.  Does it seem ominous and threatening?  If you’ve been hit by a fast moving storm, you know that it’s powerful.