Habitat Restore

This round piece of plywood was for sale at the Habitat store for $0.75.  I couldn’t resist, but only got two.  Now they’re gone.  They came from speaker cabinets. 2-1-12 I screwed it to the other board to work on it.  The squares are mat board, to refer to QR codes.  It isn’t taking the paint the way a flat surface would, so it’s hard to stay loose, when I keep running into edges.  But as in oils, I do better when I keep adding paint.  Now if I could only figure out how to get a pic on FB.  I’m a Luddite on dial-up.

fitting in

I know what the giraffe represents.  Someone who doesn’t fit in.  So some

wise10-25-11guy decides to “fix it”.


I’ve been writing a narrative to apply for an arts fellowship.  It is an excellent way to distill what it is I’m doing, and why they should support me.  I have whittled it down from the pompous verbosity to one word, “Hybrid”.   This only occurs when humanity is messing with nature.  The series started with collages of flowers that were constructed of computer detritus, then painted to look like a flower, corn, or eye.  They led to the “What if?” game.  What if someone decides to genetically modify awkward animals so they would be easier to transport?  I thought of a folding giraffe.  Might try it some day.  This one’s had her markings coopted by a QR code.  Camouflage is meant to confuse.  Markings are used to identify.  What is really going on?Camouflaged Giraffe

These are for…

Kim showed pottery & Nick showed paintings, but they couldn’t attend.  These will give them an idea of their display.host-gallery-doornick2host-kim-ross

fine tuning

I’m doing small adjustments now.  Then comes a period of “percolating” .  I live w/ the painting and decide whether it’s done of not.  Gregg can be a great help, he will say “It’s not done” and it makes me ponder what else I might do.  Conversly, sometimes he says “It’s done”, and something nags at me.  Ultimately it’s my call.   Some paintings may be allowed to exist for awhile, but one day I paint  more, or Xeriscapeover them, because they didn’t WOW me.


We saw a film on the typeface Helvetica.   Until computers, most people didn’t even know the word typeface, now everyone has an opinion.  I used a typeface to get the spacing correct for Xeriscape, but I don’t remember which one.

The book room at FCCA is mostly empty.  Condensed books and Encyclopedias are left because even the library can’t get rid of them!  Big book sale coming up at the end of the month.  We are at a nexus when printed Encyclopedia are going to be recycled, not read.Xeriscape

progress slows

The first couple of days seem like a great leap forward because you cover up all of the white of the support.  Every little bit adds up, and someday I’ll have a painting!x-8

Changes to “Changes”

I am painting oils over these panels.  You can put oils on top of acrylics, but you can’t go the other way, without peeling paint.  I thought I’d change a lot, but mostly there were areas that seemed thin to me.  Who knows, when this dries I may not like it either.  However, I’ll take my cue from Willem DeKoonig, who worked on one of his “Woman” paintings for over 10 years.  When we had llamas, you learned that you couldn’t let them win over bad behavior.  You had to correct it.  Same thing with paintings.  Changes