Collage first

The Eye Wonder series continues to  explore ways to depict eyes or eyeglasses.  This one, nameless so far,  started with the collage, and then the enamel was dripped.  The collage has been highlighted with an orange Sharpie pen.

See previous posts for other approaches.  We are planning on making a You-Tube video about the process.  Hopefully we can show the real way creativity takes place in my studio, by guess or by golly!  If we can find the parts to the camera, and the editing software7-17-13, and……………..

How this series is made.

Forrest suggested that we do a video to show the process of creating each image in this series, which I call Eye Wonder.  Of course parts are missing from the camera and our editing software is out of date.  I am going to post five  of the series today, in the order they were done.  Each one turns out unique.  I am adding more media, as I go.Red-gash

Eye Wonder Series.
Eye Wonder Series.
Eye Wonder Series
Eye Wonder Series
Eye Wonder Series
Eye Wonder Series
Eye Wonder Series
Eye Wonder Series

Eye Wonder about the weather

This has more underpainting, before the enamel streams.Eye Wonder about the weather With tornadoes and hurricanes, and other freak weather, maybe she is wondering about the weather.

More log cabins

These are some production pieces slated for Art on Depot.  The drawing is done with enamel paint, flowing from a bamboo skewer.  The pastels enhance the atmosphere and season.4-10-13a4-10-13b

Eye Wonder?

Good day today.  Sometimes the tide is coming in, and sometimes it’s going out.  These washed in today.  This is from a series, called, Eye Wonder?4-2-13bEye Wonder #194-2-13c4-2-13d

Stressed people

These start as drawings, using drips of enamel.  I have added detail, so you might see a person.   These are an interesting combination of drawing with not much control, and then carefully highlighting.  Most are women, but it’s probably hard to tell.  Stress affects everyone.


I’m annoyed with the gridlock in D.C.  They’ll bicker, and never get anything done.  This figure represents a quote I heard from a young mother.  She said “We’re okay as long as nothing bad happens.”  How long can we walk a tightrope with no jobs and the Tea Party fanatically dismantling the social safety net?9-8-11


I’ve added more collage elements.  The pupil of her right eye is a disc from a computer drive.  On the detail you can see my reflection.  The blue in her hat is from some heavy paper I found here in the gym.  I looked up polymer resin.  I wonder if it would preserve the charcoal marks, or just make a big mess.  Too expensive to experiment.7-1-11a7-1-11b

Drawing or painting.

I haven’t got the love affair w/ acrylic paint that I do with oils.  However, this winter I have been doing drawings that have a lot of acrylic washes and some painting on them.  Some were on vellum, which has a nice translucent quality and smooth texture.  This one is on paper.  I had painted a rant on the paper last fall, but I knew I couldn’t make anything from it.  I drew and painted over it.  You can see part of the word “class” left over from the rant.4-3-11