So many distractions, but there are still over 1000 immigrant children separated from their parents. The consequences will be awful.
I started this thinking that there is a lack on my right side. Shrivelled was a good word to start it, but now it’s about the holes, many surgical but emotional as well. Not to dwell on their loss, but to acknowledge it and move on. These are reasons that I am not as I used to be.
I noticed
in meditation group the other day that I have an imbalance of my right side. I am exploring the idea and call this painting Shrivelled.
BT, what do you think?
I’ve struggled with this. It was pretty easy to block in light and dark clouds, but pushing it to make it a painting, was work.
Tangle or life?
This is a second go at Tangled Web. This is on gessoed paper, and I don’t think it’s better for ripples. And the gesso is gritty. Lines were pencil of charcoal. I imagine I’ll do more in Sharpie. After visit to Doctor for injection and pharmacy for prescriptions, I do feel like a bug caught in a web of “health care”.
Tangled Web
There’s a quote, which I did not look up, about tangled web we weave. But the POTUS has his own problems. This is more about dealing with health insurance and the webs they weave, and their agenda to deceive.
This idea started as a protest of separating children from their families, as a law enforcement tool. But there is a giant Balsam fir in the middle, the kind that are dying out in WNC. So your guess is as good as mine. It is a painting not a representation.
Photos of Earth from space are fascinating. This is one of my own versions.
A Tyrant, a Wall and a Rose Garden walk into a bar.
I don’t usually have so many divisions in a painting. This is more map like.