
I’ve been working on spirals all winter, and I think I’m getting somewhere!  Also I’ve conquered my fear of acrylics.  I have to investigate varnish, these babies are as dry as toast!4-13-10a


I know all the COOL artists title their work before they start.  Soooo4-7-10 together.  Which may explain my struggle.  I have spirals and the Earth, but no pithy title.


These are acrylics.  I’m getting more used to them.  I’m using the spiral as a symbol of life, like DNA.3-31-10a3-31-10b

killed it

I added a lot more paint to the top of the tree, with the painting upside down.  So there will be drip marks flowing “up”.  I also added a little space ship w/ a solar array.   When this dries enuf, I will highlight some areas.3-1-10

top heavy

I’m more excited about the spirals, I don’t know why.  This is going the right way, but as I post this I notice that all the spirals at the top are the same width.  Break it up!2-22-10


There’s snow in places that don’t normally get snow.   The global climate isn’t all that’s changing.  I’ve always liked the patterns of the topography when I fly.River