
This is a detail of “So” from the Eye Wonder series.  This was a very different approach, with the collage in the glasses being the first stage.  The enamel drips came later, and Sharpie pen for the final.  These female figures tap into some of my worries and insecurities.


Collage first

The Eye Wonder series continues to  explore ways to depict eyes or eyeglasses.  This one, nameless so far,  started with the collage, and then the enamel was dripped.  The collage has been highlighted with an orange Sharpie pen.

See previous posts for other approaches.  We are planning on making a You-Tube video about the process.  Hopefully we can show the real way creativity takes place in my studio, by guess or by golly!  If we can find the parts to the camera, and the editing software7-17-13, and……………..


When Forrest was making salsa at my house, I showed him my Eye  Wonder series.  He suggested we make a You-tube video of the process.  I love the idea and Gregg’s background is in film.  We want to show the process of making art and a video.

Cori Saraceni suggested the detail picture.  I have such great supporters for my art!

detail of Dream
detail of Dream

Studio visit

I had a wonderful time yesterday visiting Cori Saraceni in her studio.  We sparked ideas off of each other.  She was frustrated that I don’t show details of my work.  I had never thought of it!  So this is “Hurricane Sandy” and the detail is her mouth.  This piece is collage on plywood.  The perfectly round high grade plywood is being sold by the Waynesville, NC, Hurricane SandyDetail of "Hurricane Sandy" Habitat Restore.


This series is called Eye Wonder.  All of them are done on 8″x10″ paper.  The enamel paint makes a pattern of eyes or glasses, nose, lips, and wrinkles!  The each one is developed through as many processes and layers as I can think of.  The words are mostly random, leaving room for you to interpret what is going on with this individual, at this time.  These are for sale thru my store on  Type in my name and there you are!Splendidunique


Everything stays on the web forever, so I probably shouldn’t show experimental pieces, but masterpieces.  ‘Speriment is the only flavor that I have.6-20-13

Women wondering

6-18-13a16-18-13b1I have pushed my series “Eye Wonder” .  Now I am adding collage and words to the dripped/streamed paintings.

I opened an Etsy store under my name, if you would like to see more of the “Eye Wonder” series.6-18-13c


The Modern Muse Erato.  I imagine her as source of life, not a sex worker.   If her job is repurposed, her materials are also.  From the Waynesville Habitat Restore,  copper pipe legs, brass lamp fittings, a lovely dress from a dryer hose, her face on a round of clear plywood, and her music stand skeleton.  Is this art, or just big girl dolls?  This is a work in progress, so don’t be too hard on either one of us.  If we can’t laugh, then we should quit.3-12-13