Progress on bluejay painting

The balance between painting and representation is hard for me.  Representation doesn’t take as much time and attention, because I have a camera and I’m pretty good at copying.  But that isn’t what I want to do.  Have you seen a bluejay in the woods?  Only a camera can capture every feather, but is that why you were walking in the woods?

Blue Jay Today

Progress on Blue Jay

I’m going to have to give up on gessoed paper.  It buckles too much, and I’m putting more energy into it.  I think  I’ll work on unstretched canvas.  I’ve done that, before, but not for a while.  Anyway, this is todays painting progress.

New Year, thank goodness!

I’m experimenting with Yupo paper, a polypropolene water media paper.  Mine are 9″x12″.  I used masking tape on the corner, to plywood.  I’ll have white corners when I’m finished.  May

Stormy Weather

be under a mat, or a feature ( when you’re hiding a mistake, call it a feature!)  This has been an incredibly wet season, and part of our yard has slid down the mountain.  What a big problem.  So maybe that’s why this piece looks stormy and foreboding.


This is the beginning of a painting on paper.  Sometimes they are part of the process to a larger work.   I feel like this is the map that’s governing my life and our govt. now.  Chaotic, mindless, and just maybe, heading somewhere.



I identified with the testimony of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.   She said it disrupted her life for years.  This is about my personal disruption.



The Small Works Show is coming up in Nov. and Dec.  at Haywood County Arts Council.  This painting, acrylic on canvas, is 8″x10″ .  It will be framed.

Abstract landscape


I was thinking of this as a disruption from sexual assault.  Then came two hurricanes.  My hematologist is an oncologist also, and I see many people there with cancer.  Disruptions happen.  Some can be protested, most have to be lived through.  This is a sketch on paper.  I’m not much of a draftsman, more of an interest in color.


Small Works in Nov. & Dec.

I do not normally work small but I continue to support the Haywood County Arts Council (HCAC) by participating in this show that runs Nov. and Dec.  The recent large works that I have done about damage to our environment have moved down to these 8″x10″ canvases.
