I identified with the testimony of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. She said it disrupted her life for years. This is about my personal disruption.
Thankful for
Lots of things, but getting a new hip was MEGA. The pain was exhausting.
Climate Change
I believe it.
The Small Works Show is coming up in Nov. and Dec. at Haywood County Arts Council. This painting, acrylic on canvas, is 8″x10″ . It will be framed.
I was thinking of this as a disruption from sexual assault. Then came two hurricanes. My hematologist is an oncologist also, and I see many people there with cancer. Disruptions happen. Some can be protested, most have to be lived through. This is a sketch on paper. I’m not much of a draftsman, more of an interest in color.
Small Works in Nov. & Dec.
I do not normally work small but I continue to support the Haywood County Arts Council (HCAC) by participating in this show that runs Nov. and Dec. The recent large works that I have done about damage to our environment have moved down to these 8″x10″ canvases.
Assault Fault
Excuse the hell out of us for being women and having breasts.
Still separated
So many distractions, but there are still over 1000 immigrant children separated from their parents. The consequences will be awful.
I started this thinking that there is a lack on my right side. Shrivelled was a good word to start it, but now it’s about the holes, many surgical but emotional as well. Not to dwell on their loss, but to acknowledge it and move on. These are reasons that I am not as I used to be.
This idea started as a protest of separating children from their families, as a law enforcement tool. But there is a giant Balsam fir in the middle, the kind that are dying out in WNC. So your guess is as good as mine. It is a painting not a representation.