It’s gloomy and I was trying for something not so gloomy. CO2 is necessary for plant growth, which generates oxygen for humans. Humans are generating too much CO2. Maybe the warm rainy weather is normal and not affected by human activity.
Carbon Dioxide
Too much is a greenhouse gas. Some CO2 is important. We need to pay attention.
Debt Collector
Insurance companies and hospitals are so busy playing one-up games with each other that they use debt collectors to “win”. Just like mob leg-breakers, medical debt collectors use intimidation and lies. Like the big bad wolf they huff and puff until you can find someone to be on your side and make one of the big boys back down. Health care for profit is ….. wrong.
You Gotta Sew the Buttons on
before you wear it. Good advice from the beginning of my making things. Whether they are respected or not, my work is from me, and not intended to wow anyone with its artsy-ness.
Distress, Distract
Presidents facing impeachment, Trump and Clinton, thought that war in the Mid-East was a good way to distress and distract voters. I think it stinks!
If You Just… prescriptions, pills and well meaning
I have a chronic immune disorder. No one sees me when I’m really ill, so they assume I’m making it up, to escape responsibility. Today was the first time in a year that I didn’t have an injection. Due to holidays, we put it off until Monday. Then back to a weekly regimen of blood test and injection. This painting chronicles some of my frustration with the phrase “if you just…” It’s been six and a half years. Don’t you think I’ve tried it, maybe twice?
Woman Aghast
The title may be a bit much, but I couldn’t think of another word. I hope this painting expresses my confusion and frustration.
I realized that I am painting from words now. I used to use photos.
I am not in favor of adding cruelty to hardship, like the present administration. A plan would be nice. This woman and many like her are fleeing horrible conditions, whether political or environmental.
Bad advice
Well wishers have lots of advice about my chronic illness. “If You Just…” Duh! Don’t you think I’ve tried all of those things? Chronic may mean that it never goes away. So I deal with my fears and frustrations in this painting.