Thanks Nick

I  went to the opening of Nick DePaolo’s one man show at Gallery 86 in Waynesville, NC on Fri.  We both are learning to paint more in acrylics.  Long discussion on how to get the paint to run.  I experimented today.  Too much medium, I think.  It’s sooo easy with oils, but my propane heater makes oils a no no, til summer.  The flower is a serius, a bold bloom about 8″ across.2-25-13

Artist messes with nature

I may question the reason or right to copyright a genetically modified organism (GMO).  There is a case before the Supreme Court right now.  I’m messing with a painting of a bloom from a tulip poplar.  Same or different?2-19-13

A square muse

Most of the Modern Muse series have been on round pieces of plywood.  This one, unnamed at this time,  snuck in.  The squares refer to QR codes.2-14-13

Hat from Ladies Tea

We had a workshop last March to decorate hats for our Ladies Tea.   This isn’t a portrait of the woman wearing the hat, it’s a painting of a woman wearing a hat.1-9-13


The Fine Ladies “made” their hats for an afternoon tea.  This is a painting, not a portrait of a lady or a hat.  I’m still struggling with acrylics.  Here’s a chapter of that struggle.12-10-12

Crumpled grid

Superstorm Sandy knocked out one quarter of the power grid and communications.  I’ve been working on the idea of Modern Muses on these round pieces.  Maybe this is the throw down between Mother Nature and Calliope, the Muse of Communication.11-12-12


My sons who were best friends growing up are not talking.  Women, I hate to say, have caused the schism.  Gregg and I are going to wait until they figure it out.   It’s not my FAULT.  I feel like there is an axe between my eyes.11-9-12

I must be nuts.

Fines Creek Bluegrass Jam is Aug. 24 &25.  Then I’m part of a group show, NoHa, that we start installing Aug. 27.  Opening is Sept. 7.  It is exciting being an artist.  No 9-5 or regular paycheck!copper-oak-leaves

Color addict

I’ve been doing a different kind of work with the Modern Muses.  They are more assemblage.  I needed a color fix!.7-25-12