Excuse the hell out of us for being women and having breasts.
Still separated
So many distractions, but there are still over 1000 immigrant children separated from their parents. The consequences will be awful.
I started this thinking that there is a lack on my right side. Shrivelled was a good word to start it, but now it’s about the holes, many surgical but emotional as well. Not to dwell on their loss, but to acknowledge it and move on. These are reasons that I am not as I used to be.
This idea started as a protest of separating children from their families, as a law enforcement tool. But there is a giant Balsam fir in the middle, the kind that are dying out in WNC. So your guess is as good as mine. It is a painting not a representation.
A Tyrant, a Wall and a Rose Garden walk into a bar.
Just a Painting
This began as horizontal. The idea was environmental decay or harm. It is done on Lenox paper, which I gesso. I don’t know if the gesso or the paper or the tape has changed, but now the paper warps. I still find it a good starting place for some ideas.
Total hip replacement
About four months ago I got my hip replaced. I’d had to wait two years, for other health problems. I’m doing better, but three hours in my studio is my limit, now. But oh, how much more energy when I’m not in constant intense pain!
Ominous Enough?
Storm’s Coming, has more paint. Does it seem ominous and threatening? If you’ve been hit by a fast moving storm, you know that it’s powerful.
Continuing to try to make “Storm’s Coming” ominous and threatening, without just painting it solid black. I’m avoiding blue, and the purple is what is threatening me, too, too. After I’d made a goo of all the paints, I went in with apalette knife and made some edges.
Storm’s Coming
A local farmer dropped by my studio today, just as I was starting this painting. I was very loosely laying in orange swirls. His question was whether I had a plan, or was just painting. The answer is both. We’ve had lots of big thunderstorms this summer. The clouds before the rain are dynamic, to say the least. Are the clouds wilder because of global warming? Is everything just fine, politically and environmentally? I’m pretty sure there’s a storm coming.
I hope to post pix of this painting in progress. First is sketch in chalk on brown paper. The painting is acrylic on a gallery wrapped canvas 36″x24″. I like to paint around the wrapped edges, avoiding frames. So BT, I hope this helps you get what I’m trying to do. I do not blame your skepticism that it will turn into anything. But as a farmer, you probably get the idea of continuing to try.