Glass Stairway

The stairway is paused.  It has narrowed to fit through the uprights.  It is removable, but the next layers will lock it in place. At  Meditation the other day, we discussed whirl.  I am thinking of turning the last steps, to break up the linearity.  The UV glue is incredibly strong, and thanks to Donna for the new lamp to cure it more quickly.  Gregg had to do some jiggery- pokery to get each new step to clamp to the previous one while it was curing.  Some nice dry weather has us doing some maintenance and repairs.  Poly; means many is “simmering.”


Kona brown

I got a new latex enamel paint.  I was working on this painting, and thought the enamel would be an addition.  Eye wonder what the doctor will say about my platelets, tomorrow.  This health scare has certainly interrupted my momentum in the studio!  One lesson, time’s a wastin’!9-10-13

Eye Wonder about the weather

This has more underpainting, before the enamel streams.Eye Wonder about the weather With tornadoes and hurricanes, and other freak weather, maybe she is wondering about the weather.

Drawing or painting.

I haven’t got the love affair w/ acrylic paint that I do with oils.  However, this winter I have been doing drawings that have a lot of acrylic washes and some painting on them.  Some were on vellum, which has a nice translucent quality and smooth texture.  This one is on paper.  I had painted a rant on the paper last fall, but I knew I couldn’t make anything from it.  I drew and painted over it.  You can see part of the word “class” left over from the rant.4-3-11

Christmas spirals?

I struggled w/ spirals all winter, and wasn’t wowed, except for the one the eagle eyed Mr. Mills picked up.  If I want Christmas cards, I have to start now, and this is one.  It’s sharpie on paper.  Once I decide on the image, I will make a painting, so it will look quite different.Peace on Earth

NYT article

On Feb. 14 Roberta Smith wrote an interesting article in the NYT.  One paragraph resonated.  “What’s missing is art that seems made by one person out of intense personal necessity, often by hand.  A lot but not all of this kind of work is painting, which seems to be becoming the art medium that dare not speak its name where museums are concerned.”

I was wondering why art was now a manufacturing medium.   Hooray for paint!Spiral

Stacked stone

The building my studio is in was the old Fines Creek Gym.  The WPA and members of the community stacked the stone, probably using mules.  There are no community members that could do that kind of work now.  Each stone is interesting, I think.9-22-09