more Holly

More paint, but I’m struggling with the greens.  Or maybe it’s the yellow.



One of the luxuries of being able  to work on my art every day, is that I can let a painting simmer, until I’m ready to get back to it.   This landscape7-6-11 has been bugging me, just one little part.  I hung it in our living room, and I knew I would have to do more work.  Now I’m not afraid of “destroying” a painting.  I hear deKooning say “kill it, and bring it back to life.”  To me it’s like kids and dogs, you can’t let them or YOUR painting win.

Christmas in July

If I’m going to use a painting for my Christmas cards, I have to start working on it now.  I have a holly bush, and thought it was sufficiently festive.


Holly, too.

I worked on Holly again.  This morning it looked like an abstract from the 40’s.  Not exactly what I had in mind.  I want to balance between representational and abstract.  Hopefully that isn’t just a boring place.6-14-11


I’m trying to do abstract botanicals, as a way to actually look closely at the pattern of plants.  Most botanicals are extremely accurate, but we don’t see plants that way.  They are in a jumble w/ others, in nature.6-13-11

Digital landscape

A friend just got a computer virus.  Took her 6 hrs. to get it cleaned out.  Our digital landscape is starting to look threatening.5-3-11


Both of these paintings are from the same photo of huechera leaves.   There is a distinct advantage to working on two canvases of the same image.  I’m seeing how changes on one can spark movement on the other.5-2-11a5-2-11b


I got a magnet with the comment “Life is not a destination, it’s a journey.”  Since I haven’t gotten any official notice that I’m an Artist, I just try to work everyday, and when I get to the end, there will be like the riverbank, a sign, but the river has run past.  Oh, and when I get the notification of Artist, I’ll let you know!River


As I added more paint, I dropped some letters.  I live in a rain forest, so it might seem strange to do a series on Xeriscape.  I strongly believe that people need to pay attention to the plants that thrive in their region without insane irrigation.xeris