I think the rock looks a little more solid. But guess what? I got to paint today, and that’s what’s most important. Even if I throw it in the garbage, I got to paint it!
I am a rock
Not really. However, I tried to incorporate the looseness I had in the self portrait. The rocks and snow have been kicking my butt. Part of it is I don’t know what it is that I’m trying to accomplish. Are they just exercises in texture? Gregg, my barometer, has not been very impressed by the rocks, but he was with the self portrait. I know it isn’t the subject, it’s the attitude and paint handling. So this rock is going to have a little attitude! Happy Birthday all fellow Cancers.
Self portrait
Technology hates me.
Yes this photo is out of focus, but now the zoom lens on my camera is stuck. Yesterday I had to deal with medical technology and the day before I screwed up the photo transfer. It is considered uncivilized to be a Luddite, but I’m more comfortable with paint, brushes, and images that I make by hand. Since Gregg is civilized he will fix the camera when he gets home. Machines are afraid of him.
Rocks & Snow
This new one is one quarter the size of the previous ones. I work on gessoed Lenox paper which is 22″ x30″. I lose about a half inch from the edges where I taped the paper to a thin plywood board. This is cheap, light weight, and easy to store when they are dry. This iterration is white and Payne’s gray. I avoided the pallette knife, but used a brush, rag, and bamboo skewer for sgraffito(sp?). I do NOT want to end up w/ something that looks like a fuzzy black and white photo. There’s always tomorrow.
Pink snow
My way
Fury-What the hell happened?
totem pole
Donna, my mother-in-law, bought this totem pole in Alaska. It was at WindDancers, and now it’s on our front porch. She said paint it, so I am.
I also worked on a painting that’s been percolating for awhile. We think it was a night blooming sirius(sp?). I think that blooms and snow relate, they are fleeting.