If one won’t do the job, maybe five will! I don’t know if it’s working or not, I’m still waiting to hear what’s next. They saw something on the MRI and nothing on the ultrasound. Waiting sucks, but painting makes it bearable.
Ruptured duct
Rainhat 4
My rainhat’s still working!
The MRI showed something. Next step ultrasound. Donna & Gregg went to see the changes they’ve done to the property formerly known as WindDancers. I couldn’t stand to see it. They dismantled the Llama Lodge. I had written my birthdate in the concrete of the foundation. We put so much work into that project. I don’t know why it bothers me, we are but vapors.
Rainhat 2
Rain hat
A rain hat is a talisman in our family. We used to lead llama treks. You would wear a rain hat to insure that it would not rain. It’s like a rabbit’s foot you carry to ward off bad luck. And if worse came to worse and it did rain, at least your head stayed dry. The second painting is of the same image as the blue barns. I don’t know why it’s so fuzzy, except that it is small, 8″x10″ and the Rain hat is 30″x22″.