not Francis Bacon

Compression, tension, conflict vs. concentration.  That’s what I started with and this is what I got. Phooey. Maybe I need to read the news first, that should put some tension in the figure.

If at first you don’t succeed…

Maybe there are artists that know exactly what they are doing, but I’m not one.  I’ve added more paint and energy to these figures.  I’m looking for the balance point, where a woman’s body goes from being familiar to being alien, consumed and contorted by the monster, Cancer.

Door #4

Portraits are hard!  Oh well, it’s a Christmas present, maybe he’ll be polite.

G’s portrait

This is one of four parts that I plan for his portrait.  A little Hockney influence, different views of one subject.

Is it done yet?

Gregg and I figured we have built or remodeled 13 kitchens.  When you think you are finished, you still have weeks of details to finish.  I am realizing that I need to finish the details on my paintings, those things no one else knows about, one way or the other.  Impatience is not my friend.