

I have made a base for Poly-means many that will sit inside the steel legs.  Except I’m going to have to modify the corners, because they won’t fit.  They are too tall.  Art, for me is the process, and learning.  I have helped build and rehab many houses, so you’d think I would get that “measure twice” rule of carpenters.  However, problems and glitches sometimes lead to new ideas.  Anyway, most of the topography is made of scraps of plywood.  I will insert some pieces of plate glass in some of the gaps.  Some are holes, or ruts,  like to map of my life.  The red wood dye is a Briwax product.  I will continue to add more dye to make some areas dark.  Because some of the plywood had a hard finish, it barely takes the dye, and other areas are various shades. 


Poly-means many

I am trying to understand the many sides of this thing.  Maybe like a blind person describing an elephant.  I have already used steel wire to make the word “open” which I plan to use to wire the book closed.  Along with openings and opportunities, there are limits.  After I fashioned the word “limit”, Gregg forged it for me, making it flatter and wider.  Then we took a photo to show the shadow, and the light.  Many of the words I’m using are opposites, but some are shades of meanings.  “Limit” may appear on or near the “glass ceiling.”

Catching up

I’ve been experimenting with Poly-means many for awhile.   Here are three elements I’m thinking about.  The base will be a topography of plywood pieces, dyed red like the small one in the corner.    There will be glass elements.  Here is a model from foam core for the stacked glass ziggeraut.  I know that is not the usual spelling.  The third image is cut glass pieces that may find a place in this sculpture.


  Poly-means many is the project that I am pursuing, even though I did not receive the grant.  Gregg is lending some technical help, and as always is a sounding board, but he’s insisting that I learn to swim (make a sculpture) on my own.

I have been gathering thoughts and ideas since Sept. 2021, when my son Forrest visited.  He pointed out the parallel curves in my recent paintings.  That gave me the handle to write the grant narrative.  The steel framework was  left over from a first go that Gregg had at Amaranth.  I spied it in the welding yard, and we worked together to add a steel  base.   Now she sits on a rolling dolly in my studio, calling to me as a siren.

steel framework

Oops! No posts for four months?

When I make my New Years resolutions, I will try to do better on keeping up with my work in progress.  Here are a few pieces that I have finished in 2021.

steel frame for sculpture
Poly-means many
Noise is not Information
acrylic painting
New Perspective
large acrylic painting

New Perspective

I have been collaborating with Gregg on his sculptures.  I forget that what I draw or paint may not stand up or intersect in reality.  I worked on this, trying to think more sculpturally.  I’m still more interested in color and paint.

New Perspective

I was hacked

Rotten bleeping scoundrels!  I didn’t quit working, but I couldn’t post.   We’ve updated my website today with recently finished work.  I’m adding three pictures of work in progress. 

Day in the studio

The weather here has been too cold, snowy and wet to get to the studio much.  I’m horrified what Texans have had to put up with.  At least I expect cold weather here.  And we are serviced by the Haywood EMC Co op.   

So, I was able to do some painting today.  This was started last year, but I thought it was not complex enough.  Radio Signals.

Radio Signals

Goodby 2020, Glad to see you go.

Despite everything that happened in 2020, I got to do a lot of painting.  I have a heater, but when I walk in, the studio can be in the 40’s.  So I dress in layers, and get to work while it warms up a bit. 

 Hope to see you this time next year.

Medical Debt Horror

2020 will smack many people with horrible medical debt, no matter if they are insured or not.  Trying to deal with it is oh, so …bad.  Harassing phone calls and threatening letters, but no solutions.  Kill yourself?  How do they think you can pay if you do that?

Medical Debt Collector