New Perspective

New Perspective Acrylic on Canvas 54″ x 41″ 2022

In 2021 Gregg and I started collaborating more closely on a sculpture that became Poly Means Many. Since working in 3-D isn’t my usual medium, I also turned to paint, like a security blanket. The elements I tried to capture in this painting were steel arcs and a stacked glass shaft through a center. After a lot of struggle , I decided to forget about representing a sculpture, and worked on it as a painting. The whole time we were working on Poly Means Many as well, which then influenced the painting. A year and a half later, I’m done. What I have found is that some paintings need a long time to simmer, before you taste them. Declare it’s soup, or add a touch of spice and move on.


Maw – Acrylic on canvas – 45″ x 45″ 2021

Large animals with gaping mouths seem scary. But what if it was just a yawn? Are my circumstances frightening, of boring?


Susan Livengood painting
Some days are just rough


What the Hell Happened?  I don’t need those pesky constitutional protections.  Much.




My kids and husband don’t need it, but I still do some mothering.



I have put aside New Perspective until I get a new perspective.  It has been a challenging painting.  I may jinx this one, but it has been much smoother so far.  The title is Don’t Be Disappointed.  We have been trying to sell part of our property.  We have had several offers that have fallen through.  I have mixed feelings.  This line of encouragement is that things change.  As an artist I celebrate change.  But my old crab persona does not.

Glass Stairway

The stairway is paused.  It has narrowed to fit through the uprights.  It is removable, but the next layers will lock it in place. At  Meditation the other day, we discussed whirl.  I am thinking of turning the last steps, to break up the linearity.  The UV glue is incredibly strong, and thanks to Donna for the new lamp to cure it more quickly.  Gregg had to do some jiggery- pokery to get each new step to clamp to the previous one while it was curing.  Some nice dry weather has us doing some maintenance and repairs.  Poly; means many is “simmering.”


Glass stairs

We saw a video on Rachel Whiteread.    Her staircases inspired me as I continue to work on Poly: means many.   Foamcore and double sided tape gave us approximate sizes and appearance.  Gregg is cutting glass.  The glue is UV cured.  After we use our UV light, the first two stairs went outside on a sunny day for additional curing. Poly: means many

More than one way

I’ve been working on New Perspective for nine months, a long time for me.   I am working from words and experience, not photos.

 There is a lot going on that is … involving.  Now I am working more closely with Gregg on sculpture.  I have worked on 2-d paintings and drawings for a long time, and this third dimension is pushing me around.  I represent gravity in my paintings by letting the paint drip.  In a sculpture, gravity will literally take me and throw me on the ground.  Ouch!  That’s how I got involved in making Poly: means many.   I am tentative, but I’m getting bolder, more confident.  Or so I tell myself.

This relates to this painting New Perspective.  This is grappling with my transition into the third dimension.  I have worked on it from every vertical direction.  Maybe it’s time to put it on the floor?  I won’t work on it above my head, too much trouble. 

New Perspective