Christmas in July

If I’m going to use a painting for my Christmas cards, I have to start working on it now.  I have a holly bush, and thought it was sufficiently festive.


smaller and smaller

Jen gave me a bunch of small canvases.  I usually work large, and I’ve been looking at these little things since Christmas.  I’m going to paint each one from the image of a red daylily.  Here’s 12″ and 5″.


New series

I have an assortment of small canvases.  I usually work large, but I’m going to do the same image on each of them.  This is the largest, at 12″x12″.  I continue to pursue a place between representation and abstraction.

Daylily 1
Daylily 1

Holly, too.

I worked on Holly again.  This morning it looked like an abstract from the 40’s.  Not exactly what I had in mind.  I want to balance between representational and abstract.  Hopefully that isn’t just a boring place.6-14-11


I’m trying to do abstract botanicals, as a way to actually look closely at the pattern of plants.  Most botanicals are extremely accurate, but we don’t see plants that way.  They are in a jumble w/ others, in nature.6-13-11

Tai Chi helped

We went outside to do Tai Chi today.  Then I went into my studio, and had a productive day!

Mountain Magnolia One
Mountain Magnolia One
Daylily and Plate
Daylily and Plate

tag team

Karen Case suggested that doing two paintings on the same subject was a way to keep one from being “precious”.  This is one of the  Huechera.  The other one must have moved, because the photo was blurry!6-7-11

needed more paint

I rush through life.  Until recently, I rushed through paintings.  Sometimes it worked out okay.  I find that slowing down helps me really see my own work, sort of like being outside.  And I’ve started teaching Tai Chi for Arthritis, a very gentle and SLOW exercise program.   The class meets in the gym where I have my studio, so as soon as the students leave, I get to work.  This blossom is from a Mountain Magnolia, which the locals call a cucumber tree.   I worked diligently to abstract this flora, and the more I did, the livlier it looks.  Now the painting sits for another period of time, but I’m moving in the right direction. I’m over the fear of ruining it.  It’s my painting,  not a living plant.6-6-11

Digital landscape

A friend just got a computer virus.  Took her 6 hrs. to get it cleaned out.  Our digital landscape is starting to look threatening.5-3-11


Both of these paintings are from the same photo of huechera leaves.   There is a distinct advantage to working on two canvases of the same image.  I’m seeing how changes on one can spark movement on the other.5-2-11a5-2-11b