
Painting as I see it.
Acrylic on translucent Yupo. Looks good attached to a window.
My life feels like a broke ass ladder, emerging from the goo, one more time. Surely beats being stuck in the goo.
I am not patient, and I rush my paintings. But I’m getting better. I let this one “simmer” like soup. Then you taste it, adjust spices, and it is your soup. The title is Feel the Breath, tho in meditation I’m supposed to follow the breath.
I tap into my pain as a way to get rid of it. Let it go. Here are two works, done ten years apart.
Trying to capture or glimpse a bit of my life, which took an unpleasant turn this week. I removed the block at the top of the ladder, and added more bent rungs. The fog is still too blue, I think. I have found Zinc White is more subtle than Titanium. But do I need subtle, or bold?
I’ve been working on this large canvas for awhile. 46”x54”. I’ve been thru a lot of illness and pain for the last 6 years, and now I am better. I could tell you many things that are in here, but if explanation is necessary, I have not made a painting, yet.
So much pollen this spring!
Memorial Day isn’t theoretical or hypothetical. It is about the real people who have served this country with honor. My father served in WWll and was wounded. There are so many more that are in my small sphere. The flags on the lawn are real. The painting, called Trumped Up Flag, is my disgust with the ……leader.
This series is exploring Yupo, a polypropelyne paper, that loves water. Since we’ve had double normal rainfall so far this year, it’s fitting to explore very wet paint, and monoprints. This is an off axis print, with more paint and pastels.