I can’t write Gregg’s stories or paint Charlotte’s pain. Whatever, I’ll take Sinatra’s advice, and do it my way.
Fury-What the hell happened?
totem pole
Donna, my mother-in-law, bought this totem pole in Alaska. It was at WindDancers, and now it’s on our front porch. She said paint it, so I am.
I also worked on a painting that’s been percolating for awhile. We think it was a night blooming sirius(sp?). I think that blooms and snow relate, they are fleeting.
Rocks, Snow, reverse
6-07 right
Well! This is a fine mess you’ve gotten us into. I thought I’d learned so much from from Cherry Blossom left. Yesterday when I was working on collages, I found better pictures of trees in bloom. The big problem now is getting rid of the cherry blossom that was at the bottom right. I scraped a LOT of paint off of it. That is a real advantage of working on a panel. After it dries, I’ll figure out what to do with that corner. I know some painters know exactly what they are doing. Actually, I figure they are full of crap, because I think a painting is like a work of fiction. The characters can hijack the story.