
I am actually enjoying our spring snowstorm.  It comes every year, and I’d worry more about global warming if it hadn’t come.  It was 80 Sunday and supposed to be 50 tomorrow.   This is Mother Nature flipping her white coat at us as she puts it away for her spring wardrobe.

We are just looking!  We tried BofA in Chemo Today.  Stressed woman in closet, right?  RAPG thinks there are no artists in Haywood!  I got theirBofA in Chemo TodayView from studio money, what do I care?

Painter paint

I needed to paint today.  Chemo Today is more about gathering elements to tell the story of one day.  So I took a break and worked some more on Melting, and BofA, Destroyer of America.Melting4-3b

Not shirking

No pix today.  I’ve painted the inside doors (like painting the rooms in WindDancers, not arty) , finished the pull chain for the light(is it too long?) and thought about the medical words.  Gregg did the ceiling and the trim.   Donna brought a sheer curtain, I thought that would soften the words.  We are trying printing them in colors, rather than black on white.  The words are like the thoughts swirling around her, a new language that is very hard to learn.

Oh, and the Oxymoronsnc.com are funny!  After seven years we saw their live performance last night.

Prayer boxes

I am working on Chemo Today again, and getting a lot of collaboration input.  This is what a prayer box looks like before it’s folded into the box.  I learned the technique while studying handmade books.   I made a bunch from recycled boxes, but they seemed gaudy.  Now I’ve done a bunch in white.  I may have people sign them with words that summarize what the prayer was for.   Gregg thinks the boxes are empty, the prayers have been sent on.

I came up with an idea for the sense sound.  I will put in a kazoo, for music.  It will be more upbeat than an ominously ticking clock, which was my first idea.making prayer boxes


We took some time away to recuperate after Bobbi’s death.   I discovered the artist Ed Kienholz.   The closet was intimidating, just as a blank canvas is intimidating.  So you start somewhere.  This may look like a regression, but I pulled everything out of the closet so that I can be sure that what is included has a purpose, not just because I had a lot of stuff and shoved it all in.closet bottomtop of closetempty closet


Forrest & Gregg installed the doors on Chemo Today.  I started putting in scarves and hats from Bobbi.    I thought handling her things would make me sad, but they are so typically her that they made me laugh.   I’m dealing with a riot of color.   Forrest suggested I paint the prayer boxes the teal color I’m using as a theme.  It was very recyclable of me to use old cracker boxes and other cardboard packaging, but they are distracting.  My smart aleck husband suggested I label the prayer boxes according to the religious denomination they originated from.    We don’t believe that it matters what dogma they come from, but that prayers areChemo TodayInstalling doors on the closet offered in love.


We installed the front wall on Chemo Today.  Next we have to hang the doors and deal with the light source.  I’m considering painting the figure in a pose of her rising to her feet.  Anyone who thinks I know what I’m doing at every turn of the process hasn’t followed this blog very far.Chemo Today

Bobbi died yesterday.

She was 59.   Cancer is awful.  I am working on Chemo Today.  We are building the front wall.

This morning I worked on Destroyer.  It sounds like Bof A has destroyed itself.  BofA changes name to Destroyer of America.

Anger gives way to sadness

I still think a civil protest against Bank of America is called for.  My idea is to trace the outline of your shoe, write your comments in the image and mail it to BofA headquarters.   Inundate them with paper.  Good for the PO and the firemarshall could declare their offices a fire hazard.  Not so good for the environment, you KNOW they don’t believe in recycling.

We wait and pray as Bobbi makes the long walk home.2-19