oils and propane don’t mix

They tried to tell me, but wow!  The fumes kill brain cells quick!  So today was good news/badnews.  They hadn’t filled the propane tank, so there was NO heat, and I’d taken my little electric heater home.  However, I called and they said delivery was today.  I cleaned up all oil paints, removed all solvents, and am looking at working in acrylics and latex house paint for the winter season.  The propane was delivered and Gregg came by to relight the pilot.  Come on baby, light my fire!


I’ve named the 3 panels “Flowers Don’t Need…”  Now I’m doing a series of small paintings (9″x12″) on the same theme.  I’m not sure yet where and how I will attach this cell phone.

Gregg added a touch of wackiness to my print rack.10-9-0910-9-09a


Hopefully this is the photo I tried to post yesterday.

Gregg read about a writer who wouldn’t use a computer, because he said they drank whiskey at night.  Too right!9-25-09

Unique and universal

Those are principles from Joyce Carol Oates.  As I added the map, I thought of the road that brought me here.  Growing up in San Antonio, I NEVER would have imagined this life.  Good thing, it’s better!  This is the upper right portion.9-10-09


I am enjoying people visiting my studio.  There was a tour that came by today, some leadership group.  After they left I was energized and started this little painting.  It’s 8’x10″ and ‘tho you can’t tell yet, it’s Queen Anne’s Lace.9-9-09a

just ask Gregg

Gregg is fixing the windows in my studio.  They are very old and he’s having to reattach sash weights to get them to open.    It shows that the windows can be fixed, it just takes work.9-7-09

back to painting

Decorating took a backseat today.  I’m working on dripping paint, sorta like Pollock.  This is part of the stonewall of Fines Creek gym.  Also back to one of the panels.stonewallleft panel

looking good

Gregg is installing burlap over the fiberboard above the “blackboards”.  I want nice display spaces.  We are prepping for an open house Oct. 10 & 11.  Then you can some and see the finished studio!8-29-09