
Making a painting using words is …interesting.  I pushed this beyond the words.  Antigens have been haunting me for seven years.


Medical Debt

I started this painting before the coronavirus pandemic.  I have been fighting medical debt collectors for … forever.  I can read a bill and know what my insurance covers.  Providers are willing to work with you, except when they are wrong.  They dig their heels in and hire debt collectors rather than admit that they pay coders minimum wage, and the make errors.  Now with millions of Americans losing insurance along with their jobs, medical debt collections will be a growth industry.

Medical Debt

Artists shelter in place

We are using this time to repaint our living room.  We are putting light color over dark.  We will be moving the  sculpture by Dave Munson next to get around the corner.

More painting


Antigens, progress

When I began this painting, I thought the wealthy would skate thru this pandemic, with barely a blip on their radar.  The left side was airier.  As each day progresses, I see that there may be a divide between the rich and the poor, but no one is escaping the effects of this disease.  I’ve made progress, but the painting is not nearly alarming enough.

Antigens, progress