new gallery space

We are hanging our first show in Sleeping Stones Gallery.  It’s a classroom next to my studio.  These are huge classrooms off of the Fines Creek Gym.  The windows are 8 ft. tall.  Go to for a map for the HOST this Sat. and Sun.9-29-10

Words, words

This is a small, 16″x20″ , painting on canvas of the word Xeriscape.  I started w/ the idea of just using graphite and white paint.  I saw a beautiful painting that was done that way when the artist was desperately poor.  I have many tubes of many colors, and I can’t resist.  I did go back into some wet paint w/ vine charcoal.  The trick there is to decide how much mixing I wanted to do.  I also did some pouring.  As I continue to find out, more paint is better!Xeriscape Sonata

Elizabeth Warren, thank goodness.

Pundits talk about “populist rage” as a way to trivialize the anger and fear coursing through the middle class. But they have it wrong. Families understand with crystalline clarity that the rules they have played by are not the same rules that govern Wall Street. They understand that no American family is “too big to fail.” They recognize that business models have shifted and that big banks are pulling out all the stops to squeeze families and boost revenues. They understand that their economic security is under assault and that leaving consumer debt effectively unregulated does not work.

Been awhile

I should make excuses for not posting so long.  My dog ate it!  I’ve been involved with HOST, the Haywood Open Studio Tour, Oct. 2 & 3.  We have finished the work on Sleeping Stones Gallery.  Now to find artists to show for two days.  I’m hoping for an interesting mix of works.CornSunroom

fine tuning

I’m doing small adjustments now.  Then comes a period of “percolating” .  I live w/ the painting and decide whether it’s done of not.  Gregg can be a great help, he will say “It’s not done” and it makes me ponder what else I might do.  Conversly, sometimes he says “It’s done”, and something nags at me.  Ultimately it’s my call.   Some paintings may be allowed to exist for awhile, but one day I paint  more, or Xeriscapeover them, because they didn’t WOW me.


We saw a film on the typeface Helvetica.   Until computers, most people didn’t even know the word typeface, now everyone has an opinion.  I used a typeface to get the spacing correct for Xeriscape, but I don’t remember which one.

The book room at FCCA is mostly empty.  Condensed books and Encyclopedias are left because even the library can’t get rid of them!  Big book sale coming up at the end of the month.  We are at a nexus when printed Encyclopedia are going to be recycled, not read.Xeriscape